Business Health CheckPlease fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.Business Health Check Tell us about your businessWhat is your business structure? (select one)*Sole TraderPartnershipPrivate Limited CompanyPublic Limited CompanyTrustUnsureHow many business owners are there?* 1 2 3 4 5+What is the size of your business?* 0 employees 1-9 employees 10-19 employees 20-29 employees 30+ employeesDo you have any contractor arrangements in place? Yes NoHow many years have you been in business? Less than 1 year 1-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15+ yearsWhat industry are you in?* Hospitality, Accommodation, Food Services Retail Medical / Healthcare Manufacturing Professional Services Scientific / Technical Services Trades / Construction Transport & Logistics OtherWhat is your business life cycle? Start up Growth Maturity DeclineStrategyHow confident are you in your current market position?The business needs to growMeeting our targetsIn a dominant positionUnsureDo you have a current Business Plan with 1-5 year goals? Yes Yes, but it needs work NoDo you have a Succession Plan? Yes NoDo you have an Estate Plan? Yes NoDoes the Estate Plan consider the business? Yes NoAre you clear on your value proposition and what makes your business unique? Yes No It needs workPlease prioritise the areas of your business you feel you need to focus on.Drag and drop the options below by placing the most important at the top and least important at the bottom.FinancesMarketingStrategyOperationsWork-life balanceTeamOtherIf you selected other, what do you want to focus on?FinanceDo you have a budget?* Yes NoDo you have access to timely financial data to support business decision making?* Yes NoDo you know your break-even point?The point at which total revenue equals total costs or expenses. Yes No UnsureDo you use cash flow forecasts to manage your business? Yes No UnsureDo you actively manage your debtors and have processes in place? Yes No Not that regularly Unsure N/ADo you have enough cash reserves to survive the next 3 months?* Yes No UnsureDo you use online accounting software for your business?* Yes No UnsureWhich accounting platform do you use? Xero QuickBooks Online MYOB Sage Reckon Saasu OtherWhich accounting platform?Do you currently work closely with a business advisor?* Yes No I speak with an accountant once or twice a year I'd like more business advice and supportDo you currently work closely with a financial advisor?* Yes No I'd like more financial adviceAre you happy with your current accountant?* Yes No So-so I don't work with an accountantPlease provide more detailsMarketingDo you have a marketing strategy? Yes No UnsureHow much have you invested in your marketing efforts? Little to none A bit here and there Just enough As much as I possibly can UnsureDo you have a defined process to follow up every lead/enquiry? Yes Yes, but it needs work No N/A UnsureOperationsThe daily operations of the business could be best described as... A well-oiled machine They could be better but they work okay They are chaos and in need of urgent help! UnsureDo you regularly monitor and update your business processes? Yes, all the time Every now and then No UnsureDetailsWe'll be in touch to chat about your business.Company name*Your name* First Last Email* PhoneWebsite (if you have one) Anything else you would like to tell us?CAPTCHAΔ